Alien Pkg Convert is a command-line tool used to convert software packages from one Linux distribution to another. It can be used to convert an RPM package to a Debian package, or to convert a Debian package to an RPM package. It can also be used to convert packages between different versions of the same distribution, such as converting a CentOS 6 package to a CentOS 7 package. Alien Pkg Convert is useful for porting software to different distributions, for making sure a package is compatible with a given distribution, or for making sure a package is compatible with a given version of a distribution. It is also useful for making sure a package is compatible with a given architecture, such as x86_64 or i386. Alien Pkg Convert is a powerful tool for making sure a package is compatible with a given environment.
Discontinued Last released in December 2009.
Discontinued Last released June 2008
Discontinued The latest version 1.0, released in May 2011, can be downloaded from Launchpad.
Discontinued The project is no longer being developed. The latest version, 0.1svn30, released in March 2011, can still be downloaded from Google Code Hosting.
Discontinued The project has been discontinued. The latest version, 2006-01-28, can still be downloaded from SourceForge.
Discontinued Last released in February 2011.
Discontinued The project is no longer being developed. The latest version, 2.0.3, released in March 2005, can still be downloaded from the official website.