A Note is a useful and easy-to-use app or website that allows users to create, share, and manage notes online. It can be used to store and organize notes, ideas, and to-do lists in an organized and accessible way. It is an ideal tool for jotting down thoughts, creating shopping lists, and keeping track of deadlines. It also provides features such as secure syncing, reminders, searchable tags, and more. It is available for both web and mobile, so users can access their notes from anywhere. With A Note, users can stay organized and keep their lives running smoothly.
Discontinued development of FCorp Software was discontinued in 2016. The latest version of My Calendar, released in April 2016, is still available for download from SoftPedia.
Discontinued website not available
Discontinued development was discontinued on May 30, 2005. The latest version, 9.5, can still be downloaded from the official website.
Dead suspended as of December 15, 2017. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/bharry/2017/03/31/shutting-down-codeplex/
Website discontinued and application not available.
By bawldiggle · Sep 2018
La página de inicio de SourceForge para una nota tiene un mensaje de advertencia. Una nota está defectuosa. ¡No lo uses más! Hará más mal que bien. Es posible que sus notas simplemente desaparezcan. El autor de la advertencia es desconocido, pero no es un comentario del usuario. Solo puedo asumir que es por el desarrollador. También supongo que la advertencia se aplica a todas las ediciones. También en la página de descargas del desarrollador. Solo una pequeña solución. El desarrollo se ha detenido. (2-Feb-2012) A Note Descargas
Discontinued application not available on the official site.