is a gaming platform that allows users to connect with one another, share content, and track their progress across multi...
Gaikai is a cloud-based gaming service that allows users to stream and play games without having to download them. It is a revolut...
MCEdit is a free, open-source, stand-alone world editor for the popular sandbox game Minecraft. It allows users to create and edit...
ApkOnline is a website and mobile application that provides users with a wide selection of popular and trending Android games, app...
RetroArch is an open source project that provides a frontend to a wide variety of gaming emulators and engines. It is designed to ...
Joystick Mapper is a versatile piece of software designed to enable users to map game controllers to their preferred set of keyboa...
Shadow is a cloud gaming platform that allows users to access and play high-end PC games without the need to own a powerful gaming...
Parsec is an online gaming platform that allows gamers to play and share their favorite games with friends, family, or even strang...
RetroX is an app and website that allows users to play classic retro games on their devices. It allows users to play classic and a...
Project Amulet is a file sharing application and software that enables users to securely store, manage, and share their personal a...
ePSXe is a Sony PlayStation (PS1) emulator for Windows and Linux systems. It is one of the most popular PlayStation emulators avai...
Mumble is a powerful and popular voice communication software specifically designed for gamers. It allows gamers to connect with e...