Live HTTP Headers (Chrome) is a Chrome browser extension that allows developers to view HTTP traffic in real-time. It provides a d...
Yahoo! YSlow is an open source application from Yahoo! that provides web performance analysis and optimization. The app analyzes w...
Feeder is a web application and mobile app that provides users with access to a wide range of news, books, and other digital media...
Polipo is a free, open-source web proxy server application. It is designed to be a lightweight and efficient caching web proxy, wi...
Offline QR Code Generator is an app (or website) that allows users to generate and print QR codes without the need for an internet...
Historious is a web-based application that enables users to quickly and easily save and organize their web searches. It can be use...
Openwhyd is a free online music discovery platform that allows users to explore and discover music from around the world. It aggre...
SPIN Safe Browser is a secure and private web browser that provides users with secure, private, and fast internet access. It block...
WebZip is an easy-to-use file sharing/downloading application developed by Spidersoft. It allows users to quickly and easily downl...
WhatsApp Web for Chrome is an extension of the popular messaging app, WhatsApp, that allows users to access the app from any compu... URL Shortener is a web application that helps users to quickly and easily create short, memorable and trackable links. The ...
Marker is an all-in-one software and application development platform that simplifies the entire development process from start to...