BNEWS.US is a news and books website that offers comprehensive and up-to-date information about current events, breaking news, and...
Watchinga is a free news and book discovery platform that helps users find interesting content to read, watch, listen to and share...
Sage++ (Higmmer's Edition) is an app or website that provides users with news and book-related information. It is designed to make...
GreatNews is a news and books platform that provides users with access to a wide array of content. It offers news from a variety o...
Angel's Vox is a powerful audio and music player for Windows that offers a number of unique features. It is specifically designed ...
KNode is a news and book-related app (or website) that provides users with an up-to-date selection of news and books from around t...
Rainbow TV is an app (or website) dedicated to news and books. It provides users with the latest news from around the world, as we...
Groundhog is an innovative app (or website) that makes it easy to keep up with the latest news and books. With Groundhog, users ca...
Zen is a news and book-discovery platform for readers and writers. It enables users to discover, share and discuss news and books ...
Reading list is an app or website that helps you keep track of your reading lists. It gives you a way to store and manage lists of...
c-SPOT is a news and books app that provides users with access to a wide range of content from magazines, newspapers, and books. I...
Readernaut is an educational and reference application that allows users to easily find and read books, magazines, and other forms...