TAP by Wattpad is an interactive storytelling game created by Wattpad, a global entertainment platform for original stories. The a...
Rough Draft is an app (or website) that enables users to create and collaborate on news and book projects. It provides an intuitiv...
In2city is an online news and book platform that is dedicated to connecting people to their local community. It is designed to pro...
Stella - Mastodon, Twitter & News Client is an app (or website) that provides users with access to a variety of news sources and s...
Dark View is a news and books app (or website) that provides users with a wide range of topics and perspectives from authors, jour...
Nowigence is an online platform that offers users the ability to read and discover news and books from around the world. Nowigence...
Strafe Esports is a news and books app that provides users with the latest news and information about the world of esports. It off...
Laugh2GO is an all-in-one platform for news, books, and entertainment. It provides readers with an incredible selection of news st...
Pastin is a news and books platform designed to help users find and access content from a wide range of sources. It provides users...
Save My Research is a web-based application designed to make the process of researching and archiving information easier and faste...
Pressgrade is an app (or website) that helps people find news, book reviews, and other related content quickly and easily. With Pr...
The Best New Tab Page Extension is an app (or website) that provides users with a customizable, easy-to-navigate home page that di...