

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Web
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Chrome OS
  • Android Tablet
  • iPad
  • Self-Hosted

Zenoti is a cloud-based enterprise software platform designed to help businesses streamline their operations and improve customer experiences. It offers a suite of solutions that enable businesses to manage multiple locations, automate key processes, and gain insights into their operations. For example, Zenoti's software can be used to manage booking and payment processes, track customer loyalty, analyze customer data, and set up marketing campaigns. It also offers a reporting suite that allows businesses to gain insights into their operations, such as employee productivity, customer satisfaction, and revenue growth. Moreover, Zenoti's integration with third-party applications and services enables businesses to further streamline their operations. Ultimately, Zenoti's software can help businesses save time and money, improve customer experiences, and increase their profits.

Business and enterprise applications
