

  • Freemium
  • Web

Workshopr is an education and reference app (or website) for students, professionals, and hobbyists. It provides a platform for people to share knowledge and experience through online workshops. Users can create and share workshops on a variety of topics, from careers and technology to health and fitness. The app offers a wide range of interactive learning tools, including video lectures, quizzes, and discussion forums. The app also allows users to set their own fees for workshops and collect payments via PayPal. They also have the ability to set up virtual classrooms, where they can host live lectures, workshops, and other activities. Workshopr is a great tool for people who want to share their knowledge in an engaging and interactive way. It can also be used by teachers, trainers, and other professionals who need to provide their students with the most up-to-date information in their field.

Education and reference applications Social and communication
