WordPress VIP is a web-based application (or website) designed to help users create and manage high-performance, secure, and scalability websites. It is built on top of the WordPress platform and offers a wide range of features and tools to help users create and manage their websites, including custom themes, plugins, widgets, and more. In addition, WordPress VIP also provides users with tools and services that help them optimize their websites for maximum performance, such as caching, security, and monitoring. It also allows users to easily track and analyze website usage and performance, as well as integrate with other online services like Google Analytics and Facebook.
By brinerustle · Mar 2018
No se deje engañar al tratar de usar el alojamiento de Wordpress.com para ejecutar un sitio de wordpress. Cuando usa el software wordpress en otro proveedor de alojamiento, puede modificar su sitio tal como le gusta. Incluso cuando paga por el dominio y el alojamiento en wordpress.com, lo que obtiene es una instancia inválida de wordpress, que le impide instalar temas personalizados, modificar el código CSS, etc., a menos que pague mucho más por la versión comercial. EVITAR.
Discontinued Official website / service not available.