WinMerge 2011


  • Libre
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Wine

WinMerge 2011 is an open source file comparison and merging application used to compare and synchronize different versions of files and folders. It is a powerful tool for finding differences between two versions of the same file or folder, and for merging them into a single file or folder. The application can be used by software developers, system administrators, web designers, and anyone who needs to compare and merge files. The application allows users to quickly and easily compare text files, binary files, and folders. It also has advanced features for handling source code, including syntax highlighting, line number display, and auto-indenting. WinMerge 2011 is optimized for comparing and merging source code files, and can be used to compare different versions of source code files, as well as binary files. It also supports the sharing of changes between different versions of files. WinMerge 2011 features a graphical user interface that is simple and easy to use. It has an intuitive user interface that allows users to quickly and easily compare files and folders. The application also supports a wide range of file formats, including XML, HTML, and many others. It also supports Unicode and can be used to compare files in different languages. The application is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

File management applications and software
