WebRatio BPM Platform



WebRatio BPM Platform is an enterprise-grade application development and management platform designed to help organizations create, manage, and maintain their web, mobile, and cloud applications. It provides an end-to-end platform to develop and deploy business applications, and to manage the entire lifecycle of the application, from design to deployment and maintenance. The platform is designed to enable organizations to quickly develop applications with low development costs and short delivery times, while ensuring that the applications meet their business requirements. WebRatio BPM Platform provides a range of features and functionality to help organizations create modern applications, including model-driven development, collaboration tools, process automation, and an integrated development environment (IDE). It also includes an array of services and technologies to help design, build, deploy, and maintain applications. The platform can be used for a wide range of application development projects, from simple web applications to complex enterprise applications. In addition, WebRatio BPM Platform is highly scalable, so it can be used for applications of any size, from small startups to large enterprises.

Business and enterprise applications
