

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows

VisualRoute is an application or website used to analyze network performance, troubleshoot network issues, and monitor network performance. It is designed to help network administrators and IT professionals understand the route of Internet traffic through a network, identify the performance of each hop along the route, and detect potential problems. VisualRoute uses a variety of tools to analyze network performance, including traceroute, ping, and Whois. It can display the geographical location of each hop, along with the latency and packet loss at each hop. It also provides an analysis of the number of hops, round-trip times, and packet sizes. VisualRoute can be used to help identify slowdowns in a network, detect potential bottlenecks, and identify potential problems with routers and other network components. It can also be used to identify potential security risks, such as open ports or other potential vulnerabilities.

Network and administration applications
