USB Flash Drives Control


  • Libre
  • Windows

USB Flash Drives Control is an application (or website) that provides a secure and convenient way to manage USB flash drives. It enables users to control which devices can access their data, as well as the data that can be stored on their drives. The application allows users to set up custom rules for each USB drive connected to their computer. For example, the user can create a rule that only allows the transfer of specific file types, such as images or documents. This ensures that only the necessary data is stored on the drive. The application also provides an option to password protect the drive, ensuring that only authorized users can access the data stored on it. Additionally, it allows users to remotely monitor the status of their USB drives as well as view a detailed log of all the activities related to their drives. This helps users keep track of their data, and identify any potential security breaches. USB Flash Drives Control is a great way to protect sensitive data and ensure that unauthorized users cannot access it. By setting up secure rules and monitoring the activity of their drives, users can be sure that their data is safe and secure.

Security and privacy applications
