

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows

Umwelt is an environmental security and privacy application designed to protect users from environmental threats such as air pollution, water contamination, and other environmental hazards. It can be used as an app or website. The app allows users to monitor environmental conditions in their area in real-time, as well as receive alerts when environmental threats are detected. Users can also view air quality and water contamination levels in their area, and see what steps they can take to reduce their exposure to environmental hazards. Additionally, Umwelt allows users to connect with other environmental protection organizations and get the latest information on environmental protection initiatives. Overall, Umwelt is a great tool for those who are looking to stay informed and be proactive in protecting their environment. It provides an easy way to access up-to-date information on environmental threats and resources that can help users make informed decisions about their health and safety.

Security and privacy applications
