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UIKit is a user interface framework provided by Apple for the development of native user interfaces for iOS and tvOS applications. It provides a set of components and tools for constructing and managing user interfaces for apps created using Apple's Xcode development environment. UIKit provides a comprehensive set of features and tools to enable developers to create a user interface that meets the needs of their users. UIKit provides a set of standard controls, such as buttons, text fields, and tables, as well as a number of custom controls, such as pickers, segmented controls, and sliders, which are tailored for use in iOS and tvOS apps. UIKit also provides a range of features for managing the user interface and its components, such as animation, data binding, and integration with other frameworks. UIKit is designed to work seamlessly with the native APIs provided by Apple's hardware, allowing developers to create apps that are optimized for their specific hardware.

Development software and applications
