Ubuntu Launcher


  • Libre
  • Android

The Ubuntu Launcher is a convenient way to access a range of different programs and applications on the Ubuntu Operating System. It is a graphical user interface which can be accessed by clicking on the Ubuntu logo in the top left corner of the screen. The Ubuntu Launcher allows users to easily and quickly access their favorite applications, as well as access programs installed on their computer. It also provides quick access to system settings and other important applications, like the Ubuntu Software Center. The Ubuntu Launcher is highly customizable, allowing users to search for and launch applications and programs quickly and easily. It also allows users to create custom shortcuts and folders, which can be accessed from the launcher. In addition, it provides direct access to the Ubuntu session, including the login screen and the lock screen. Overall, the Ubuntu Launcher is a powerful, yet user-friendly application which makes using the Ubuntu Operating System a breeze.

OS and utilities
