
  • Libre
  • Self-Hosted

TreoPIM is an all-in-one product information management (PIM) platform that helps businesses organize, store, and manage their product data. It enables companies to create, manage, and distribute product information across multiple channels, including websites, online stores, mobile applications, and print catalogs. It also allows users to manage product information from multiple sources, such as suppliers, distributors, customers, and more. With TreoPIM, businesses can easily manage product information, such as product images, descriptions, catalogs, and more, in a single platform. It also provides features that enable users to monitor product performance, track inventory, and create custom product views and user groups. TreoPIM also helps to automate processes, such as product updates and product lifecycle management. Additionally, it offers integration with eCommerce platforms, such as Magento and Shopify, enabling users to quickly add and manage products in their stores.

Business and enterprise applications
