

  • Personal libre
  • Web

Tailspin is a software development platform that enables businesses to quickly and easily create web and mobile applications. It includes a set of integrated tools to make it easier to develop, deploy, and manage applications in the cloud. It also provides a suite of features to enable collaboration across teams and manage risk. Tailspin's features include: • Visual Studio integration: Tailspin provides integration with Visual Studio, allowing developers to quickly create and deploy applications with a few clicks. • Cloud-based development: Tailspin allows developers to develop and deploy apps in the cloud, taking advantage of the cloud’s scalability and reliability. • Collaboration tools: Tailspin provides tools for developers to collaborate on projects, share code, and keep track of their progress. • Security and risk management: Tailspin allows developers to manage security and risk by providing a secure environment to develop and deploy apps. • Analytics: Tailspin provides analytics tools to track app performance and user behavior. • Scalability: Tailspin allows developers to scale their apps quickly and easily, ensuring that apps perform well under heavy usage. • Automation: Tailspin provides tools to automate the development, deployment, and management of apps.

Development software and applications
