SVG Cleaner


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

SVG Cleaner is an open-source application that simplifies and optimizes Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files. It is designed to reduce the size of the SVG files, making them easier to work with, and more efficient for web and mobile applications. SVG Cleaner can transform and optimize SVG files by removing unnecessary information, such as comments, empty elements, and redundant attributes. It also reduces the number of points in paths, and removes unnecessary white spaces, allowing the SVG files to be compressed more efficiently. Additionally, SVG Cleaner can remove metadata, including the creation and modification dates of the files, and can even fix some of the problems caused by certain graphics software. SVG Cleaner can be used to optimize files for web and mobile applications, as well as for print media.

Photo and graphics applications
