Street Fighter X Mega Man


  • Personal libre
  • Windows

Street Fighter X Mega Man is a free fan-made crossover video game developed by Singaporean-based indie game developer Seow Zong Hui. The game is a crossover between two of the most iconic game franchises of all time: Street Fighter and Mega Man. In this game, the player controls Mega Man, who is tasked to save the world from the Street Fighters. The game features 8 selectable Street Fighters: Ryu, Chun-Li, Blanka, Guile, Dhalsim, Zangief, Vega and Sagat. Each of these fighters is a boss in the game and the player must defeat them in order to progress. The game also features various stages and power-ups, such as health and weapon upgrades. Additionally, the game features a number of original music tracks from various Street Fighter and Mega Man titles.

