

  • Libre
  • Linux

StatsD is an open source application that enables developers to track and measure performance metrics from their applications or websites. It is typically used to measure the performance of web applications, e-commerce sites, or any application that is accessed over the internet. StatsD works by allowing developers to instrument their code to send metrics to a StatsD server. The StatsD server then aggregates the metrics and sends them to backend services such as Graphite, InfluxDB, or StatsD-compatible monitoring systems. This allows developers to measure the performance of their applications and identify areas of improvement. StatsD also provides visualizations and charts that can be used to compare performance metrics over time. This makes it easier for developers to identify areas of improvement, and to quickly address any issues that may arise. Additionally, StatsD allows developers to set alerts for when performance metrics exceed certain thresholds, providing an early warning system for any potential problems.

