Stackless Python


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Python

Stackless Python is a version of the Python programming language that is designed to enable developers to create applications that are less dependent on the use of a threading library. This enables applications to be more efficient, as threads can be suspended and resumed without creating new threads. Stackless Python allows developers to write programs that take advantage of the underlying operating system's task scheduling capabilities, which can result in fewer CPU and memory resources being used. Stackless Python also provides features such as microthreads, which allow multiple functions to run in parallel, and tasklets, which can be suspended and resumed like threads. Additionally, Stackless Python adds support for microthreads and coroutines, which can be used to create cooperative multitasking applications. Stackless Python is an excellent choice for applications and websites that require high performance and scalability, as it can reduce the cost of development and maintenance.

Development software and applications
