Squash TA


  • Libre
  • Windows
  • Linux

Squash TA (Test Automation) is a software and application development tool designed to make it easier for software developers and testers to create, execute, and maintain automated tests. It provides an integrated test automation platform that allows users to automate tests quickly and efficiently. This platform takes the pain out of manual testing and allows users to concentrate on developing software and applications with confidence. Squash TA provides a single interface for test automation, enabling users to create tests that run on multiple browsers and platforms. It also features various tools to help users identify, troubleshoot, and solve problems. Additionally, Squash TA allows users to customize tests with variables and parameters, and also supports integration with other development tools such as Jenkins and Git. The platform is designed to be easy to use and understand, making it an ideal solution for both novice and experienced developers.

Development software and applications
