

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • JavaScript
  • Node.JS

SocketCluster is an open source real-time web application framework built on top of Node.js and the WebSocket protocol. It provides an efficient way to build and scale real-time web applications and services that can handle large numbers of concurrent connections. SocketCluster is designed for fast, secure, and highly scalable applications. It allows developers to quickly set up and deploy secure, real-time web applications without the need for complex infrastructure. SocketCluster provides a robust platform for building real-time applications, including support for authentication, authorization, data storage, and message routing. It also provides a suite of tools for monitoring and managing the performance and scalability of applications. SocketCluster is ideal for applications that need to handle large numbers of concurrent connections, such as web and mobile applications, gaming, IoT, and more.

Development software and applications
