Snare Server


  • Freemium
  • Windows
  • Linux

Snare Server is a network and system auditing application that provides advanced security monitoring capabilities to detect, alert and report on suspicious activity within an organization's network. It provides a comprehensive view of network traffic, providing real-time visibility of all traffic, including inbound and outbound communications. Snare can be installed on Windows, Linux and UNIX systems. The server application is designed to capture and store logs, allowing administrators to monitor and analyze activity across their networks quickly and easily. Snare also provides a number of features to monitor and log user activities, such as file access, application usage, and system configurations. The application can be used to detect and alert on suspicious activity, allowing administrators to take appropriate action. Additionally, Snare's reporting capabilities can provide detailed information on what happened, when it happened, and the user responsible.

Network and administration applications Security and privacy applications
