

  • Freemium
  • Windows

Skymonk is a secure file sharing application and software that utilizes cloud technology. It's designed to help users easily share large files and folders with anyone, regardless of their device or operating system. It allows users to securely share files without the need for email attachments, or any other complicated methods. Skymonk is a secure, fast, and easy way to send, share, and receive files without any limits. It uses advanced encryption technology to protect files from unauthorized access, and the cloud-based architecture ensures that files are stored securely and backed up automatically. Skymonk also provides users with a secure and convenient way to collaborate on projects and documents. It allows users to share files and folders with each other, as well as to send messages and receive notifications. Skymonk also includes an integrated file manager which allows users to manage their files and folders easily.

File sharing applications and software
