SequoiaView is a free image-viewing application for Windows and Mac OS X. It is primarily used for the visualization of very large datasets such as those generated by remotely sensed imagery. It is capable of displaying multiple datasets simultaneously and allows users to interactively explore the data. SequoiaView can also be used to view and analyze scanned images, such as aerial photographs and satellite imagery. It has several advanced features, such as the ability to zoom, pan and rotate images, as well as the ability to generate histograms and other statistical data. It also has a 3D visualization mode which makes it easy to explore complex datasets. SequoiaView is a powerful tool for the analysis of large datasets and is widely used by geographers, ecologists, and other scientists.
Effectively displays what is taking up space on the phone
Discontinued The program seems to be no longer updated. The latest version, 2.13, released in July 2012, is fully functional and can still be downloaded from the official website.
Discontinued The program appears to be dead, as announced in a tweet from the author: The website and changelog appear to be abandoned. The latest version, 0.4.3, released at the end of 2015, can still be downloaded from the official website.
By Mitchmann · Jan 2013
esto solo muestra un directorio a la vez. La belleza de la vista de Sequoia es que ves toda la unidad o al menos una selección con subdirectorios que muestran TODOS los archivos. Esto le permite concentrarse fácilmente en archivos grandes, para que liberar espacio en el disco sea mucho más eficiente. Ojalá esa aplicación se portara a Android. Tal vez podría preguntar a los chicos en Eindhoven muy bien en holandés?
Looks the same, works the same but is still compatible