

  • Freemium
  • Web

Qobuz is an online music service that offers streaming, downloads and cloud storage of music. It is available as an app for desktop and mobile devices, as well as a web app. Qobuz offers a wide range of music in different genres, including pop, rock, jazz, classical, reggae, electronica, and more. It also offers exclusive content from various independent labels. Qobuz also supports Hi-Res Audio, allowing users to stream and download music in high-definition quality. The service is available in over 40 countries around the world and has over 40 million songs in its catalog. Qobuz also offers a wide range of features, such as personalized recommendations, curated playlists, artist bios, and more. Additionally, users can create playlists, follow favorite artists, share music with friends, and more. Qobuz also allows users to purchase physical albums and digital downloads, as well as stream music on demand.

Audio and music applications
