Quantum Conundrum is a puzzle-platformer 3D video game developed by Airtight Games and published by Square Enix. The game follows the adventures of a young boy as he navigates a mysterious and peculiar mansion owned by his eccentric uncle, Professor Quadwrangle. The player must use the professor’s invention, the Interdimensional Shift Device, to solve various puzzles and navigate the mansion. The Interdimensional Shift Device allows the player to manipulate the environment in four different dimensions, each having its own physics and properties. For example, the Fluffy Dimension makes objects light and airy, while the Heavy Dimension makes them heavy and immovable. The player must use these dimensions to manipulate objects in the environment in order to progress through the game. Quantum Conundrum also features a variety of mini-games, such as a card game and a shooting gallery, that can be unlocked as the player progresses.
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