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PyMOL is a molecular visualization system designed for 3D visualization of molecules. It provides an interactive 3D environment for the exploration and manipulation of molecular structures, as well as for the analysis of associated data. The PyMOL application is an open source, cross-platform desktop application, available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It is used by scientists, educators, and students across the globe for a wide range of scientific applications, from exploring the structure of a protein to designing drug molecules. PyMOL offers a powerful and comprehensive set of tools for visualizing and manipulating molecular structures. It provides a wide range of features, including the ability to visualize multiple molecules and to change the color, size, and shape of molecules, and to rotate, zoom, and translate them; to measure distances, angles, dihedrals, and other properties of molecules; and to animate the motion of molecules. PyMOL also includes a scripting language, which can be used to automate tasks and to customize the look and feel of the application. PyMOL can be used to view and analyze a variety of molecular data, including protein and nucleic acid structures, electron density maps, and molecular surfaces. It is also used for molecular dynamics simulations, and for analyzing and visualizing data from other software packages. PyMOL is widely used in the research, education, and commercial communities, and is an essential tool for many areas of molecular science.

Development software and applications Education and reference applications
