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Putlocker.to is an online streaming video and movie application that allows users to watch movies and TV shows on their computer, mobile device, or smart TV. It offers a variety of titles from all genres, including blockbusters, independent films, stand-up comedies, documentaries, and anime. The app also provides a comprehensive library of classic and contemporary titles from decades past. The app's main feature is its intuitive user interface that allows users to browse titles by genre, language, country, as well as by type (HD, 3D, etc.). Additionally, users can rate movies and shows, save favorites, and create watchlists. All titles are available in HD and are sorted by quality, so users can easily find the best available version. Putlocker.to also supports subtitles in a variety of languages and allows users to watch movies and shows on a variety of devices. Additionally, the app features a comprehensive search feature that allows users to quickly find titles by name, director, actor, or keyword. Putlocker.to also offers a news section which features articles and reviews about upcoming movies and TV shows. Finally, the app also features a community section where users can interact with one another and discuss their favorite titles.

Video and movie applications
