

  • Libre
  • Windows
  • Linux

Psycle is a free and open-source software-based music production environment for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It combines a powerful tracker-style pattern sequencer, a polyphonic and a real-time synthesizer, a sampler and effects. Psycle also includes a VST2 and a VST3 plugin host. The software is highly customizable, allowing users to create custom plugins, instruments, and effects. It has a wide range of features, including support for MIDI controllers, MIDI sequencing, and automation. Psycle also includes a wide range of sample libraries and presets, as well as a library of sounds and instruments. Users can also use third-party VST plugins and virtual instruments. The software also supports multiple audio channels and can be used with any audio interface. Psycle also offers support for multiple audio file formats, such as WAV, AIFF, MP3, OGG, and FLAC. It also includes a comprehensive help guide and tutorials.

Audio and music applications
