

  • Freemium
  • Web
  • Android
  • iPhone

Progate is an online platform that provides courses and tools for coders of all levels. It features an array of coding languages and frameworks, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Node.js, and Ruby on Rails. It also has an interactive sandbox environment where users can practice coding before deploying their work live. Progate offers various learning paths for different skill levels. For beginners, it offers an introduction to coding, as well as tutorials on each of the coding languages. For more advanced coders, Progate provides challenges and projects to help develop their skills. Progate also offers a community of coders where users can connect and share their experiences. This helps users to stay connected and motivated, as well as to collaborate and learn from each other. The platform also provides support and feedback, which can help coders stay on track with their learning.

Development software and applications Education and reference applications
