

  • Freemium
  • Web
  • Android
  • iPhone

Unifyle is a cloud-based backup and sync application that allows users to centralize, store and share their files across multiple devices and platforms. It is designed to make file management easier, faster and more secure. With Unifyle, users can securely back up and store their data in the cloud, as well as share and synchronize files with colleagues and friends. Unifyle also provides users with the ability to access their files from anywhere and anytime, as well as the ability to backup their files to multiple devices automatically. Unifyle also provides users with the ability to encrypt their files for added security, and to easily search for files and folders with its advanced search capabilities. Unifyle also integrates with other popular cloud storage services, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.

Backup and sync applications File management applications and software File sharing applications and software
