Patreon is a software and application development platform that allows users to directly support creators and artists. It provides a monthly membership service for users to easily access exclusive content, discounts, and updates from the creators they support. Creators can set up their own membership tiers for their patrons and offer rewards such as early access to new content, discounts on merchandise, and exclusive access to private events. Patreon also provides powerful analytics tools to track and analyze user engagement. This helps creators better understand their fans and create content tailored to their needs. Patreon is a great way for creators to make a living while connecting with their fans and giving them exclusive content.
Unlike Patreon, Liberapay does not take a cut in payments.
I cannot have counterparts for donors ...
Donations are not cut off. The only way to make money is from donations.
Patreon is ongoing monthly support (a subscription), while Flattr is a micropayment system. People looking for alternatives to Patreon are unlikely to find Flattr a good replacement.
It does not work in the same way, but it has the same goal: to reward creators on the Internet.
Steady is the best solution for European creators. It supports $, € and several languages. In addition, it integrates with your website and gives you all kinds of tools to market your membership.
Treats all creators fairly, regardless of gender, race, orientation or profession. Gives creators their money instantly and charges a smaller percentage fee.
By laurabrown · Dec 2017
Me uní a Patreon temprano, cuando era bastante nuevo. En algún momento descubrí que habían usado mi correo electrónico para enviar invitaciones a personas que conocía, sin mi aprobación. Después de eso, no podía confiar en el sitio, así que borré mi cuenta y aunque creo que es una gran idea, es poco probable que vuelva a intentarlo. Algunas personas lo están haciendo muy bien con Patreon, pero si aún no tienes un / ya no son populares, no tiene mucho sentido unirse. Tu cuenta se queda muy tranquila. No encontré mucha ayuda real o inspiración en cómo llegar más lejos con el servicio. Sin embargo, si ya eres popular, Patreon es un buen servicio para que la gente te patrocine.
All features, but does not take a cut of the donations.