

  • Libre
  • Mac

Otomatic is a cloud-based file sharing application and software platform that enables users to easily and securely share files with each other. It provides users with a secure and intuitive means of exchanging documents, images, videos, and other types of files amongst their peers. Otomatic streamlines the process of file sharing, eliminating the need for emailing attachments or uploading files to third-party websites. It provides users with a direct and secure connection to share and collaborate on their files. Otomatic is accessible from any web browser and mobile device, allowing users to access and share their files from anywhere. With Otomatic, users can share files with anyone, quickly and securely. They can also keep track of their files, with access logs and notifications; as well as password protect any shared links. Otomatic provides users with an easy and secure way to share and collaborate on their files.

File sharing applications and software Video and movie applications
