Open Comic Reader is an online platform for reading and discovering comics from all over the world. It offers a wide selection of comics from a variety of genres, including superheroes, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and more. The platform has a built-in reader with a simple, intuitive interface that allows readers to quickly navigate through comics and access information about the books. Open Comic Reader also features a powerful search engine, so readers can easily look for comics by title, creator, publisher, and genre. Additionally, the platform provides access to rating and reviews by other readers, enabling users to make informed decisions before purchasing or downloading a comic. Finally, Open Comic Reader allows users to follow their favorite creators, so they can stay up to date with upcoming releases and news.
Discontinued The program is no longer updated. The latest version, 2.4, released in June 2006 and translated, can still be downloaded from
Discontinuado El programa ya no se actualiza; esta es la razón por la que se inició fork. La última versión de Comix, 4.0.4, lanzada en abril de 2009, todavía puede descargarse del sitio web oficial.
The last discontinued version, 1.8, was released in April 2004. It can be downloaded from the official site.
The last discontinued version, 1.48, was released in June 2006. The download is no longer available on the official website, but you can still download the zip file: see it in the comments.
Bundleware The installation may contain adware. Be careful during installation: