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Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a type of programming language that focuses on creating reusable code by organizing data and behaviors into objects. OOP is the basis for most modern programming languages, such as C++, Java, and Python. OOC is an application development framework that makes it easier to develop applications in an object-oriented manner. It provides features such as a virtual file system, a graphical user interface designer, and a library of reusable modules. It also provides tools to make it easier to debug and test applications, as well as tools to help with the deployment of applications. OOC also provides a set of tools for creating web applications, such as an HTML5-based web development environment, a JavaScript engine, and an HTML5-based mobile application framework. OOC is designed to make it easier to create object-oriented applications quickly and efficiently, and helps developers to write more maintainable code.

Development software and applications
