

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • BSD

ngIRCd (Next Generation IRC Daemon) is an open source, multi-platform internet relay chat (IRC) server. It is a powerful and lightweight server that can be used to create a secure and reliable chat environment for people to communicate in real-time. ngIRCd is a very flexible and configurable IRC server, as it offers a wide range of options for users to customize their server. It has support for IPv6, SSL/TLS, IRCv3, and DCC. It also supports a variety of authentication methods such as LDAP and PAM. ngIRCd is also highly secure, as it has support for chroot, jail, and SELinux. Additionally, ngIRCd is very efficient and can handle thousands of simultaneous connections. It is also easy to install and manage, with a simple configuration tool and intuitive user interface.

Social and communication
