

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • BSD
  • Solaris

newLisp is a scripting language and programming environment designed with the goal of combining the power of Lisp and the ease of use of modern scripting languages. It has a large set of features, including a powerful interpreter, support for multiple platforms, an extensive library of libraries, and a large set of built-in functions. The language is well suited to rapid development, as it is dynamically typed and has a simple syntax. It is an ideal choice for developing small programs and applications quickly, as well as larger applications over time. newLisp is an excellent choice for scripting web applications, due to its powerful string-manipulation functions, easy integration with databases, and support for networking protocols. It is also an excellent choice for data analysis, due to its powerful list-manipulation functions and support for mathematical operations. newLisp is also an excellent choice for system automation tasks, due to its ability to interact with other processes and its support for scheduling tasks.

Development software and applications
