Netlify CMS


  • Libre
  • Self-Hosted

Netlify CMS is a content management system designed to help businesses manage content more quickly, easily and securely. It is a free and open-source content management system built on React and Node.js. It is used to create and manage content through an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI). With Netlify CMS, users can manage their website’s content with drag-and-drop, upload images and embed rich media, create and edit content in an intuitive and user-friendly way, and publish content quickly and securely. Netlify CMS can be integrated with static site generators such as Gatsby.js, Hugo, Jekyll, and Next.js, allowing users to create and manage content without having to learn a programming language. It provides a powerful workflow for managing content, with features such as version control, image optimization, and content validation. It also includes a powerful API for customizing the user experience. With Netlify CMS, businesses can easily manage content for their websites and applications, allowing them to focus on creating great user experiences.

