

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Web

Netjukebox is a web-based media player and streaming audio server. It allows users to stream and manage their music collections from any web browser over the Internet. It is designed to work with a variety of audio formats including MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, and AAC. The server-side software runs on Linux, OSX, and Windows, and the client-side software is available for almost any web browser. Netjukebox provides an easy-to-use interface for playing and managing music collections. It includes an audio player, a library manager, a playlist editor, and a tag editor. Users can search for music, sort their collections by genre, artist, or album, and browse the audio library. The player supports gapless playback, shuffle, and repeat. It also offers tools for creating custom playlists, and users can easily share their music with friends and family. The software is fully customizable, allowing users to customize the look and feel of their music player.

Audio and music applications
