

  • Freemium
  • Web
  • Chrome OS

Nectir is an online platform that focuses on connecting businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals to create meaningful relationships and collaborations. It seeks to bridge the gap between individuals and businesses by providing a platform to find, connect and collaborate with each other. Nectir provides a variety of features that make it easy to find and connect with the right people for any business or project. It offers a comprehensive search feature that allows users to search for individuals or businesses based on various criteria such as location, industry, and skillset. Additionally, users can create a profile to showcase their expertise and experience, allowing others to find them more easily. Nectir also provides a platform for businesses to find and hire freelancers, as well as to post job openings. It also offers collaboration tools such as project management, task management, and document sharing. Other features include messaging, scheduling, and calendar tools. Nectir provides an easy way for businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals to connect, collaborate and get the job done. It's a great way to find the right people for your project and build meaningful relationships with the right people.

