

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Self-Hosted

MoinMoin is an open source, easy-to-use wiki software that is designed for collaborative document creation and editing. It is a great tool for managing educational and reference materials in a single, accessible web-based platform. With MoinMoin, users can easily create and edit web pages using a simple Wiki markup language. MoinMoin offers basic features such as page editing, page locking, page protection, page linking, page versioning, and page history. It also offers advanced features such as page templates, categories, image galleries, and file attachments. MoinMoin is a great tool for creating educational and reference materials, as it provides an easy way for users to collaborate on documents and quickly publish them online. Additionally, MoinMoin is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the look and feel of the wiki to meet their specific needs.

Education and reference applications
