

  • Libre
  • Self-Hosted

MiniBB (or Mini Bulletin Board) is a lightweight, open source forum software created for small, personal, and community-based websites. It is an easy-to-use and user-friendly bulletin board software designed to help you create and manage an online forum. It comes with a range of features that make it easy to set up, configure and customize. MiniBB has a range of features that make it suitable for a wide range of websites, from small personal forums to larger, community-based websites. It includes a powerful, easy to use WYSIWYG editor, a wide range of themes and templates, a powerful user management system, a powerful search engine, an RSS feed, and integration with social networks and other third-party services. It also includes a variety of plugins and modules for customizing your forum and extending its functionality. Additionally, MiniBB has a range of security features to help protect your forum from malicious attacks.

Social and communication
