Mesosphere DCOS


  • Freemium
  • Linux
  • Web

Mesosphere DCOS (Data Center Operating System) is an open source platform for running distributed applications and services on a large-scale cluster of machines. It is designed for easy deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications and services, leveraging Apache Mesos and a set of supporting open source technologies. DCOS provides a unified experience across multiple machines and technologies, and simplifies the development, deployment, and operations of distributed applications and services. It is designed to run on both public and private clouds, and is used by organizations to power their data-driven applications and services, or to create new services from existing ones. DCOS combines the power of Mesos and Marathon with a rich set of APIs, a user-friendly web interface, and a set of powerful command-line tools to make it easy for developers and operators to deploy, manage, and scale distributed applications and services.

