Man in the Middle


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Web
  • UC Browser
  • CentBrowser
  • Chrome
  • Yandex.Browser
  • Opera
  • Chromium
  • Firefox

Man in the Middle (MITM) is a type of attack where an attacker secretly intercepts and relays communications between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other. It is a type of attack that can be used to steal data or manipulate communications. The attacker can be located between the two communicating parties and can be either a person or a piece of software. The attacker can intercept, modify, or inject data into the traffic stream, allowing them to gain access to sensitive information and potentially gain control of the system. The attacker can also modify the traffic in transit and use it to launch further attacks. MITM attacks can be used to steal login credentials, infect systems with malware, and more.

