Magzter is an online news and book reading platform that provides users with access to thousands of digital magazines, newspapers, and books from around the world. Founded in 2011, Magzter is one of the world’s leading digital reading platforms, with over 8 million users in more than 200 countries. The platform offers a wide selection of content in various languages and genres, including business, lifestyle, technology, sports, entertainment, and more. Magzter also offers exclusive deals, discounts, and promotions to help users save money when reading their favorite publications. With its easy-to-use interface, users can browse through titles, read previews, and purchase individual issues or subscriptions to magazines, newspapers, and books. Users can also access their content on mobile devices. Magzter also offers advanced features such as personalized recommendations, article search, bookmarks, and more. With its innovative technology, Magzter makes it easy for readers to stay informed and entertained.
Discontinued The project seems to be abandoned. The last launch was in January 2014.