

  • Libre
  • Linux
  • Web

Lyricue is a user-friendly, open source multimedia application for displaying song lyrics and associated multimedia content. It is designed to be used in public spaces such as churches, schools, and other places of worship, as well as at home or in other private settings. Lyricue allows users to create, view, and manage digital song libraries that can be used to display lyrics with accompanying multimedia content (such as video, images, or slideshows) during a worship service, performance, or presentation. Lyricue is highly customizable, and users can easily add their own multimedia content to the library. In addition, Lyricue supports a variety of audio formats, and can be used to play background music or audio accompaniment during presentations. Lyricue also supports remote control and can be used in conjunction with internet-enabled devices, allowing for remote control of the library from any location.

Audio and music applications
