

  • Libre
  • Web

Lynkgram is a photo and graphics application designed to help you share your images and artwork with the world. It is a web-based application that allows you to upload, store, and share your photos and graphics with friends, family, and other users. With Lynkgram, users can easily create and share photo albums, collages, and artworks. It offers a wide selection of photo editing tools such as filters, frames, and effects. Additionally, users can also use the application to coordinate and collaborate with other users on creative projects. Lynkgram also offers a variety of features for users to customize their content. For example, users can adjust the privacy settings for their photos and graphics, assign tags, and add descriptions. They can also comment on each other’s work and provide feedback. Overall, Lynkgram is a great way to share and interact with the artwork of both yourself and others.

Photo and graphics applications Social and communication
